course review.


Ok, so we have finally come to the end of the blogging, i think?! and now it is time for me to give a course review. to start off i want to say that what i am about to write is not a reflection on the teaching staff, but of the course itself. i think the teaching staff were quite good however, i HATED the course. i felt it was so pointless. we are living in a media saturated society and use the internet and technology everyday, do we really need to ‘learn’ more about it? I found the course to be boring and a huge waste of my money, and the only reason i did it was because it was comulsory. i think the content needs to be a bit more advanced. people know about privacy issues, and free software, and virtual communities already. How much of those sunjects do we really need to know in order to survive in our daily lives? Maybe it was my servere disinterest in the content of the course that made me feel this way, i dont know. But if the general concensus turns out to be ruling in my favour, then i would say turf the course. Im sorry if i have offended anyone but i dont think i got anything from this course, most fo the tute tasks we had to do i already knew how to and so whe it came time to having to do them it was horrible because it seemed so damn pointless which made it so boring. it was sort of like being in grade 12 and having to go back to grade 8 to do their work.

This is just in my opinion. I was trying to be honest and frank.

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