week eight lecture.


This weeks lecture spoke about democracy, edemocracy, and representative democracy.
Democracy is what we like to refer to as the governemnt we have in play right now in australia, and when we think of democracy we think of freedom of speech, and the peoples government; a government that works for the people, and in favour of the people. However, representative democracy is the true democratic government that is in play, the democratic governments have evolved however our definition of them has not. therefore, there is a big difference between what we consider to be democracy and what representative democracy actually is, and how our country is actually run. The lecture then went on to talk about how mass media as a channel for democracy, free speech and cencorship online. i get really anoyed with these issues, how can the government say that we have freedom of speech when we have to watch everything we say because people have become so sensitive. It’s kind of ridiculous. China is the worst nation for online cencorship, however they have an excuse which is their commuist governemnt, asutralia has no excuse. Although our internet is a lot freer than that of chinas, still. we should be able to say what we want and when we want without it being cencored for the people that cant handle brutal honesty.

overall, lecture was ok.

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