tute task week nine.


This week we had to find five articles or journal posts that helped us research for our essay question. considering i havent chosen my essay question this task proved to be difficult, hence me not completing it yet. I really dont know which question to choose, ive read them all but i really dont know much about any of them. i dont like this stuff that we talk about in this course so i just want to choose the easiest question and get it done. lol. i sound so slack. Im not i just work two jobs, do full time uni and competitive acrobatics so im exhausted all the time. Anyway, i guess in this post i will choose my question. no better time than the present right? lol.

I think that this will be my topic
2. The idea of the internet as cyberspace has been a part of our contemporary culture for some time, particularly in the popular medium of film. But is the concept of cyberspace still relevant to our contemporary society? Discuss with reference to your own experience of contemporary media.

Its the question i knwo the most about so hopefully i can fulfill the requirements of the task relatively easily. NOW FOR THE RESEARCH! but not toay…i will update in a later post 🙂

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