Week seven lecture


This weeks lecture was about three concepts-Collaboration, community, and choice 🙂

It spoke about creative commons and free software, however i dont really understand everything it spoke about (obviously creative commons wont be my essay topic! haha). I get that people dont want everything copywrited so once its made you cant use it again without paying for it, and i get that people want to share with each other, their ideas, creativity and software. But isn’t it software companies right to have people pay for the work they produce? It is annoying though, for example, last weeks tute task, youtube muted my music because it was copywrited, and i wasnt trying to do anything illegal, just share it with friends…

i think maybe these concepts are a bit beyond me, we are getting into the more nitty gritty topics of computing etc now, not for me. lol.The lecture moved on to discuss free software, and free software principals. I really don’t like this course, lol, if it were optional, i wouldnt take it…BUT its not. sorry to the lecturers etc…its not you…i just have no interest in any of this.

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