Week six lecture


This weeks lecture was about video consumption and production. The concepts of incresingly personal video content and viewing were discussed. In our day to day lives we consume so much video content, we watch Tv, we watch videos, go to the movies, and now we can even watch tv episodes or movies on our phone, ipods etc. The lecture spoke about how video comsumption is becoming more and more personalised as technology develops, we have the freedom to watch what we want, when we want. I personally dont watch Tv, but i do however watch a lot of movies and i enjoy the freedom of having them on my phone, so i have them with me wherever i go…no im not  amovie junkie haha, but its just convenient. The media has realised the change in consumers wants and needs and are catering very well for personal media, with podcast of tv and radio shows, app stores etc etc.

I found this lecture pretty interesting, not overly, but it was alright. 🙂

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