Archive for September, 2009

course review.


Ok, so we have finally come to the end of the blogging, i think?! and now it is time for me to give a course review. to start off i want to say that what i am about to write is not a reflection on the teaching staff, but of the course itself. i think […]

This week we had to find five articles or journal posts that helped us research for our essay question. considering i havent chosen my essay question this task proved to be difficult, hence me not completing it yet. I really dont know which question to choose, ive read them all but i really dont know […]

This weeks lecture was by Jason Nelson, on ‘cyberUtopia’. Talked about a lot of things, i was really sick though, so my attention span was that of a flea…..however i do remember him talking about rupert murdoch buying myspace for $900 million WHICH IS NUTS!! and the site not being very popular anymore, whihc is […]

This week we have to see how many online poltitcal things we can do while still stiking out our beliefs. this week I: Signed a petition on stoping online cencorship in china commented on an online blog about celebrites haha…..blake lively is hott!!! its still a major news site, just a celebrity news site […]

This weeks lecture spoke about democracy, edemocracy, and representative democracy. Democracy is what we like to refer to as the governemnt we have in play right now in australia, and when we think of democracy we think of freedom of speech, and the peoples government; a government that works for the people, and in favour […]

This weeks lecture was about three concepts-Collaboration, community, and choice 🙂 It spoke about creative commons and free software, however i dont really understand everything it spoke about (obviously creative commons wont be my essay topic! haha). I get that people dont want everything copywrited so once its made you cant use it again without […]

This weeks task was fun fun fun! I put together this slide show of my best friends and I, except the audio tracki added was muted by youtube so i had to add one of their own, pretty crappy, but Its still music so i guess it’s ok. So here it is 🙂

This weeks lecture was about video consumption and production. The concepts of incresingly personal video content and viewing were discussed. In our day to day lives we consume so much video content, we watch Tv, we watch videos, go to the movies, and now we can even watch tv episodes or movies on our phone, […]