Week five tute task: virtual world.


Haha ok, i tried out the Habbo hotel (http://www.habbohotel.com.au) i thought it was hilarious, it is so different from using MSN or any of the other normal IM chatroom. SO many people are talking at once! honestly i think these things are a bit pathetic, i mean why cant people just go outside and make real friends? or go to real parties or experience real life? im not a big fan of the virtual worlds. BUT i do admit, it gave me a laugh. I guess it could be fun if you were that bored you had absolutley nothing else to do. hehe. I think the 3D aspect makes a bit of a difference but not much, its more like a computer game than a chatroom. Id much prefer MSN over these types of sites because on msn you know who you are talking to and you have more control over the whole situation. I think maybe they would appeal to a younger audience, like 14 or 15 year olds, but not to me.

I dont think there are many qualitative differences between programs such as Msn and sites such as habbo hotel, but rather more of a personal preference. If you would prefer to construct a character that represents you and move around in different rooms and situations meeting different people, then i guess virtual worlds would be a good fit for you. If you just wanted to have a chat with friends, or meet people online, then regular chatrooms and Msn would be a better fit for you. Maybe i just don’t like change, but personally i’d much rather be able to have a decent chat with someone on Msn than pretend to dance with some random at a virtual bar.

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