Week five lecture.


This weeks lecture was about social media, web 2.0 etc etc etc…. 🙂 I can’t even imagine a world without social media, its become a way of life. People are contantly checking their facebooks, myspace pages, sarching youtube for cool videos. What did we do before this form of media was available? I can’t even comprehend going back to what life was life before facebook, myspace, youtube etc….or even the internet. life has become so fast paced and busy, that the main way people communicate with each other these days is through forms of social media. People would prefer to sit down in their pyjamas, with a cup of coffee and chat through  the net than to get dressed up and actually meet someone face to face and make decent conversation.  The lecture also spoke about who owns the content that you put up onto social media sites such as facebook etc. I guess that once you put your information up onto the internet its anyones, i mean, how can you stop someone from stealing your photos, information, or possibly even your web identity. there are measures you can take but i guess once you put that information up its like sending out the green like, its anyones game. But thats the risk we all take, some of us take a more calculated risk, and some dont even know of the dangers, or even consider the fact that people across the globe could get hold of that information. I personally don’t really care, i would if it was banking information or serious information, but in terms of facebook and myspace, its fine. I guess i say that now, but if i saw another page on myspace that was someone else pretending to be me i would be pretty freaked out and probably never use the site again haha.

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