Archive for August, 2009

This weeks lecture was about social media, web 2.0 etc etc etc…. 🙂 I can’t even imagine a world without social media, its become a way of life. People are contantly checking their facebooks, myspace pages, sarching youtube for cool videos. What did we do before this form of media was available? I can’t even […]

Haha ok, i tried out the Habbo hotel ( i thought it was hilarious, it is so different from using MSN or any of the other normal IM chatroom. SO many people are talking at once! honestly i think these things are a bit pathetic, i mean why cant people just go outside and make […]

Aswel as the scavenger hunt, we also had to answer the following questions: How do search enginges rank the stuff they find on the internet? haha apparently back in the day search engines ranked searches by the content and formatting and the ‘metatags’ on a page, but people used to trick them inot giving them […]

Scavenger hunt. !) What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park? Alan Turing wore a gas mask while riding his bike around Bletchley park  in order to prevent himself from having a hayfever attack. *found through using the search engine using the search term ‘Alan Turing bicycle Bletchley park’. […]

Lecture three


Last year i studied a course on media literacies, so we learnt a lot about what certain types of camera angles and shots are saying to the audience. I find it quite interesting that so much of what i learnt in that course translates over to this one aswell. Considering i already knew most of […]

I first began using the internet in grade four or five, I remember how easy it was to pick up, my favourite thing to search for was information and photos of the spice girls! haha. I remember my mother was going to university at the time (yes, she went when she was fourty) and i […]

Lecture Two


Due to personal circumstances I didn’t actually make it to the second lecture, but from reading the lecture slides i gather that the lecture was about the birth of the computer and also the internet. Honestly, I’m not remotely interested in either of those topics (even though i use the technology on a daily basis) […]



I really don’t like uni, never have and i dont know if i ever will. it’s just so boring! i’m such a hands on person, i hate all this theory and reading. I just checked how far behind i am and its crazy how much i have to catch up on! so this is the […]

Just bloggin’


I’m going to start with a blog about myself since i haven’t done this before, and it’s easier to talk about yourself than pretty much anything else in the world haha. So, my name is Sarah, I’m 20 and I’m studying communications majoring in Chinese, marketing and maybe journalism. So far i’ve found it incredibly […]

 This video runs through the evolution of online communication. I found it interssting and relevant to the content of last weeks lecture 🙂